I Teach People How To Grow Food Naturally,
without chemicals or overwhelm so they can see through the dodgy messaging of supermarkets, fast food joints and other polluters and live a life that's cleaner, calmer, and lower in carbon.
Get a handy free guide, and start growing basil in your kitchen.

In My Own Garden I aim to revolutionize your connection with plants
We are terrible gardeners. I don’t mean you and me, I mean ‘we’ as a culture. Although I might mean you… Do you get your gardening advice from:
- Random people on the internet?
- The team members at your local hardware store?
- Any relative who learned to garden in the 70s with chemicals?
This was me before I studied horticulture. I had no way of knowing whether the information I was being given was true or not. I mean, it could have been…
Then I discovered the science of botany and came up with a useful set of guidelines for my plants in my own garden. I learned how to stop being an overworked plant parent and start partnering with nature. It’s cheaper. It’s easier. And it’s better for the planet.
About Larissa.
On November 6 2016, if it was green I wanted it dead (I had been a parent living aboard a wooden yacht and a maritime engineer). The next day, I moved with my husband and two young sons to India. The day after that, in an effort to stamp out corruption the government declared all our cash illegal. In a foreign country, with no money, for weeks we relied on the kindness of new friends and I resolved to learn how to grow my own food so I could provide for my family...
This journey was not as easy as the internet promised. I'd like to make it easier for you